Sunday, December 2, 2012

Empek - Empek

empek - empek 
Empek empek:
·         I kg of fish meat cork / mackerel, mashed
·         1/2 kg of corn starch
·         300 ml of water
·         1 teaspoon salt
Sauce empek-empek:
·         1 liter of water
·         1 kg brown sugar
·         150 grams of garlic, crushed
·         200 grams of cayenne pepper
·         2 tablespoons vinegar
·         1 teaspoon salt
How to make empek-empek (Palembang):
1.     Combine water, salt, and meat of fish that have been mashed and stirred.
2.    Enter sago flour little by little until quite hard and can diuleni, until not sticky.
3.    Shape the dough according to taste, no form kelasan, lenjer, stuffed eggs, and others.
4.    After empek-empek formed, then boiled in water to float or cooked, remove and drain.
5.    Empek-empek be eaten wet or fried first, according to taste

  Vinegar Sauce:
1.     Boil water and sugar
2.    Add the garlic chili sauce that has been smoothed
3.    Add salt and vinegar, and cook until boiling, then strain.
Serve empek-empek with vinegar sauce and cucumber slices to taste.

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