Sunday, November 18, 2012

Curried Cassava Leaves

curried cassava leaves ( gulai daun singkong )
·           500 grams of cassava leaves
·           50 ounces of anchovies, fried (optional)
·           1 piece of lemon grass, cut into 2, crushed
·           1 teaspoon tamarind, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
·           2 bay leaves
·           2 cm galangal, geprak
·           3 kaffir lime leaves, discard the bones
·           400 ml coconut milk is very thick
·           300 ml of water or thin coconut milk
·           oil to taste
·           2 tsp salt or to taste

Subtle Seasonings:
·           3 pcs red chili
·           6 pcs onion
·           3 cloves of garlic
·           5 grains hazelnut
·           2 cm turmeric, roasted or 1 tsp turmeric powder
·           2 cm ginger
·           2 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp coriander or
·           1 tsp cumin or 1/2 tsp cumin powder
How to Make:
1.    Boil until cooked cassava leaves, remove and drain. Cut the rough.
2.   Wash the fish, dry fried, set aside.
3.  Puree ingredients spices with mortar or blender. If necessary add a little oil within blender to simplify the process of destruction.
4.   Saute the spices, lemon grass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves and bay leaves until cooked and fragrant herbs. (approximately 10 minutes)
5.    Transfer the sautéed spices into a medium-size saucepan.
6. Add to it the hot water or thin coconut milk and tamarind juice. Cook over medium temperature until boiling.
7.   Enter cassava leaves or leaves that you have another replacement.
8. Add coconut milk and continue to cook over medium heat while stirring occasionally so that milk is not broken.
9.  Boiling coconut milk and cook until thickened. Taste and add salt or sugar to taste.
10. Enter fried anchovies. Serve warm.

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