Saturday, November 10, 2012

Semur carp

Semur carp
(Semur Gurame)

semur carp ( semur gurame )
·         1 head of carp
·         1 red tomatoes
·         Air broth and cooking oil
·         5 pieces of red onion
·         2 cloves garlic
·         3 pieces of red chilli
·         1 tablespoon sweet kesap
·         ½ teaspoon pepper finely
·         slice of ginger, crushed
·         Salt, fried onions, and seasonings
How to make:
1.     Clean the carp from the scales and entrails. Fry until dry, then drain
2.    Onion, peppers and sliced ​​garlic, then pan-fried and add ginger. Add pepper, soy sauce, salt and broth to taste. When this is added a single red tomato
3.    After boiling, put carp that has been cooked and left for a while in commute
4.    Remove, then add fried onions and seasonings to taste
5.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

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