Tuesday, October 30, 2012




·         3 ounces of beef
·         5 pieces out
·         2 ounces of nuts tolo
·         1 ½ liter of coconut milk
Spices that are:
·         4 cloves garlic
·         8 pieces of red onion
·         Cayenne pepper and red pepper according to taste
·         Turmeric, coriander, galangal, lemongrass, kluwak, and kaffir lime leaves
·         Salt, sugar, shrimp paste, bay leaves, and sour
How to make:
1.     Tolo meat and beans boiled until tender, then drain
2.    Seasoning mashed except bay leaves, galangal, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, and all pan-fried.
3.    Enter tolo beans and meat that has been boiled
4.    Pour a little broth leftover stew and wait until boiling
5.    Enter the coconut milk and continue to cook
6.    Once cooked, remove from heat and serve in a bowl covered

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

Chicken Rica-Rica

Chicken Rica-Rica
(Rica-Rica Ayam)

Ayam Rica-Rica

·         1 medium sized chicken
·         2 cups of cooking oil
·         2 pieces of red tomatoes
·         30 cc of water
Spices that are:
·         100 grams of red pepper
·         6 pieces of red onion
·         4 cloves garlic
·         2 cm ginger
·         1 teaspoon granulated sugar
·         Salt
How to make:
1.     Clean the chicken and cut into four
2.    Heat the cooking oil. Pan-fried spice paste until fragrant smell
3.    Add chicken and stir until marinade evenly. Add water and cook the chicken until half cooked, then remove
4.    Grilled chicken over medium heat while smeared condiments. The rest of the ingredients can be poured when the chicken was served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

Chicken Seasoning Rujak

Chicken Seasoning Rujak
(Ayam Bumbu Rujak)

·           1 medium chicken
·           1 cup thick coconut milk
·           Cooking oil
·         2 cloves garlic
·         5 pieces of red chilli
·         4 items hazelnut
·         1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
·         2 bay leaves
·         2 kaffir lime leaves
How to make:
1.     Chicken cleaned and cut into 4 pieces
2.    Puree red peppers, garlic, and pecans
3.    Sauteed with lemongrass, bay leaves and lime leaves until fragrant smell
4.    Add chicken and coconut milk, stirring rate
5.    Continue to cook until cooked, freshly baked to dry
6.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

Chicken Seasoning bacem

Chicken Seasoning bacem
(Ayam Bumbu Bacem)

Chicken Seasoning Bacem

·         1000 ml of coconut water
·         1 chicken cut into 18 parts
·         50 grams of brown sugar
·         3 pieces of acid
·         5 tablespoons soy sauce
·         Salt
·         1 teaspoon coriander, toasted
·         5 grains hazelnut, toasted
·         4 cloves garlic
·         8 pieces of red onion
How to make:
1.     Boil chicken with coconut milk, palm sugar, tamarind, soy sauce, salt and spices
2.    Lower the heat. Cook until sauce dries
3.    Remove and let cool
4.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good.