Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Ingredients :
·         500 grams of beef
·         4 duck eggs seed
·         400 grams of wheat flour

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Es Pisang Ijo (ice green bananas)

es pisang ijo
Ingredients ice green bananas:
·         40 grams of rice flour
·         1/2 teaspoon salt
·         300 ml of water

Ice Palu Butung

palu butung
Ice is usually presented in the stalls or restaurant that Coto Makassar main menu, because it's a two course meal from the same region.
Ingredients Es Palu Butung:
·         8 pieces of plantain / kepok old, steamed and peeled
·         ice cubes, shaved

Empek - Empek

empek - empek 
Empek empek:
·         I kg of fish meat cork / mackerel, mashed
·         1/2 kg of corn starch
·         300 ml of water
·         1 teaspoon salt

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Curried Cassava Leaves

curried cassava leaves ( gulai daun singkong )
·           500 grams of cassava leaves
·           50 ounces of anchovies, fried (optional)
·           1 piece of lemon grass, cut into 2, crushed
·           1 teaspoon tamarind, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Semur carp

Semur carp
(Semur Gurame)

semur carp ( semur gurame )
·         1 head of carp
·         1 red tomatoes
·         Air broth and cooking oil
·         5 pieces of red onion
·         2 cloves garlic
·         3 pieces of red chilli
·         1 tablespoon sweet kesap
·         ½ teaspoon pepper finely
·         slice of ginger, crushed
·         Salt, fried onions, and seasonings
How to make:
1.     Clean the carp from the scales and entrails. Fry until dry, then drain
2.    Onion, peppers and sliced ​​garlic, then pan-fried and add ginger. Add pepper, soy sauce, salt and broth to taste. When this is added a single red tomato
3.    After boiling, put carp that has been cooked and left for a while in commute
4.    Remove, then add fried onions and seasonings to taste
5.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

Beef Sausage Soup

Beef Sausage Soup
( sup sosis sapi )

beef sausage soup ( sup sosis)

·         4 pieces of beef sausage
·         2 cabbage leaves
·         200 grams of cauliflower
·         100 grams of beans
·         1 carrot
·         Chicken Broth
·         Salt
·         2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
·         Pepper
·         Pepper smooth
·         Seasoning flavor
·         Fried Onions
How to make:
1.     Make your own chicken broth
2.    Cut beef sausage whole, rather wide cut cabbage leaves and carrots peeled and cut into thin round object rather
3.    Cauliflower cut into pieces
4.    Beans are cleaned and cut along the 1 ½ cm
5.    Heat the chicken broth to a boil, then add salt, pepper, finely pepper, sliced ​​garlic and flavoring
6.    Enter the sausage, carrots, and cauliflower. After a half-baked enter cabbage leaves and cook until done
7.    Ready to serve

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

Tempe bacem

Tempe bacem

tempe bacem

·         1 piece of tempe
·         2 cups water
·         Cooking oil
·         5 shallots
·         200 grams of brown sugar
·         2 bay leaves
·         ½ finger galangal, crushed
·         1 teaspoon salt
How to make:
1.     Brown sugar sliced ​​thinly and set aside
2.    Thinly sliced ​​red onion
3.    Tempe is cut according to taste
4.    Tempe boiled in 2 cups of water with slices of red onion, galangal, ginger and bay leaves
5.    Add salt and sugar slices
6.    Drain, then fried until cooked blackish
7.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes