Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chicken Stew

Chicken stew
(Semur Ayam)

Chicken Stew
(semur ayam)

·      1 whole chicken
·      Cooking oil
·      5 pieces of red onion
·      2 cloves garlic
·       ½ onion
·       ½ teaspoon nutmeg smooth
·       3 cloves item
·       2 tablespoons soy sauce
·      1 tsp onion fritters
·      Salt and pepper to taste
How to make:
1.      Chicken cleaned and cut into 16-18 sections
2.     Boiled chicken until half cooked, remove and drained
Chicken broth should not be discarded, as it will be used again
3.     Sliced ​​onions rounded and not too thin. then fried
4.     Garlic and onion mashed
5.     Chicken sauteed with onion and garlic that has been crushed, then given salt, pepper, nutmeg and cloves finely, and mix until well blended
6.     Add soy sauce and broth to taste
7.     Serve with a sprinkling of onions and garlic that have been fried

        I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

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