Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sayur Lodeh

Sayur  Lodeh

sayur lodeh

·         1 teaspoon olive oil
·         3 bay leaves
·         2 cm galangal, crushed
·         2 red chilies, sliced ​​crosswise
·         1 green chilies, sliced ​​crosswise
·         200 grams prawns, peeled, leaving tail
·         200 cc water + 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
·         ¼ teaspoon pepper powder
·         ½ teaspoon of sugar
·         25 grams of leaf melinjo
·         50 grams of seeds melinjo
·         5 pieces string beans, cut into pieces
·         1 piece of pumpkin, diced
·         1 piece of green eggplant, cut crosswise
·         350 cc soy milk
Spices that
·         3 eggs pecans, toasted in
·         5 grains of red onion
·         2 cloves garlic
·         ½ teaspoon coriander powder
How to make:
1.     Heat olive oil, saute ground spices, ginger, bay leaves, green chillies, red chilli and prawns until fragrant
2.    Pour the broth, then add the sugar and melinjo. Cook until done
3.    Give melinjo leaves, beans, squash, and eggplant
4.    Pour soy milk, pepper and coriander
5.    Stir well. Cook until the vegetables cooked, lift
6.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

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