Thursday, November 8, 2012

Soto Ayam

Soto Ayam

soto ayam

·                  1 chicken, rather large
·                  100 grams of potato chips
·                  100 grams of noodles glass noodles, soaked in hot water, then drain
·                  Cooking oil
·                  4 scallions, small cutted
·                  3 stalks celery, cut into small pieces
·                  2 tablespoons soy sauce
·                  ½ teaspoon lemon juice
·                  2 tablespoons fried onions
·                  flavoring
Spices that
·                  5 pieces of red onion
·                  8 cloves garlic
·                  ½ finger of ginger
·                  1 teaspoon pepper
·                  Salt
How to make:
1.         Boil chicken until tender, then separated from the chicken broth. Take the broth to taste (2 ½ liters)
2.        The chicken is cut thin. Fry chicken until half dry, then removed
3.        Saute the spice paste until fragrant smell
4.        Enter the sliced ​​chicken to the broth and cook until soft and boiling. Enter scallions, soy sauce, and a little seasoning, stir briefly and then removed
5.        Prepare the glass noodles noodles, chicken pieces, green onions in a bowl. Pour the finished sauce, give a little lemon juice, sprinkle with fried onions, celery, potato chips
6.        Soto ready to be served
I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

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