Friday, November 2, 2012

Fried calamari squid

Fried calamari squid
(cumi-cumi goreng)

Fried calamari squid

·      500 grams of fried squid
·      1 egg
·      100 grams of wheat flour
·      Cooking oil to taste
·      Spices that are:
·      3 teaspoons of salt
·      1 tablespoon lemon juice
How to make:
1.     Cleaned squid. Discard the skin, head and ink sac. Cut roundly measuring 2 cm and washed again. After that, coat with 1 teaspoon salt and lime juice
2.    Leave for 15 minutes to marinade seep
3.    Shake chicken eggs by adding a pinch of salt
4.    Flour sifted with 1 teaspoon of salt
5.    Pieces of squid dipped in beaten eggs and flour dry
6.    Heat the oil, then fry until lightly browned
7.    ready to be served

I hope the above recipes can be useful. please try at home. guaranteed to taste good. Do not forget to see other recipes

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